3/ Buy DOLZ on Polygon

You need MATIC to buy DOLZ. MATIC is the Polygon crypto currency

Step 1 : Buy Matic (Polygon's crypto currency).
  1. In MetaMask, click on "Buy" it brings you to https://portfolio.metamask.io/buy?metamaskEntry=ext_buy_button

  2. Follow onscreen instructions (enter your country, create an account with an email address, etc.) and choose how much you want to buy in MATIC, your mean of payment (Credit card, wire...)

Step 2 : Swap your Matic with DOLZ
  1. Go to UniSwap HERE and connect your wallet.

  2. Choose an amount of Matic you want to swap into DOLZ and click on "SWAP".

Keep a few Matic to pay the gas fees (~ 0,01 matic per transaction and for every action you'll do on Polygon). For instance, if you bought for 20 MATIC, swap only ~19,5 MATIC

Step 3 : Add the token DOLZ to your wallet

In Metamask, click on "import tokens" and enter the following information:

  1. Click on Import tokens > Custom token

  2. Copy and past this contract address: 0x6ab4e20f36ca48b61ecd66c0450fdf665fa130be

  3. Click on "Add custom token"

It's even better with a video tutorial

Last updated